玻璃樽 - Gorgeous
火燒島 - Island of Fire
迷你特攻隊 - Fantasy Mission Force
招半式闖江湖 - Half a Loaf of Kung Fu
龍拳 - Dragon Fist
新精武門 - New Fist of Fury
風雨雙流星 - The Killer Meteors
新妈妈再爱我一次 - Tears In Heaven
Ji Hun
中國龍 - China Dragon
A Brighter Summer Day
流麻溝十五號 - Untold Herstory
周處除三害 - The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon
女鬼橋2:怨鬼樓 - The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual
Lost in Perfection
Let's Talk About CHU
千禧曼波 - Millennium Mambo
The Bold, The Corrupt And The Beautiful
粽邪 - The Rope Curse
The Butterfly Lovers